How to Prepare Your Child For Audition Day


Spring is in the air, which means we can finally look forward to little things like pretty flowers poking through the dirt, Spring Break, or taking a walk outside without wearing five layers of clothing. It’s also that time of year when kids are thinking about dance company auditions.

Whether your child is already in competition dance or a novice, auditions can be nerve wracking. To make the experience more positive and ease those jitters, here are some tips that will help them feel more prepared physically and emotionally before audition day arrives:

Practice regularly. If your child wants to be on a competition team, he or she should take dance classes in different styles consistently. It’s also important for them to take their training seriously every time they go to class. This will condition them to be ready for auditions.

Eat right and get plenty of rest. The more rest your child gets before the dance audition, the better off they’ll be. Have them eat a light, nutritious meal at least an hour before they arrive too. But don’t wait until the day before to start this regime, start now!

Stay informed. Dance studios want their students to succeed, so be sure to read the website, emails or any handouts they provide about the audition. If your child is new to the studio, it’s also a good idea for them to learn more about the competition team. That way, there are no surprises.

Dress appropriately. Make sure your child has the appropriate dance attire and hairstyle and knows exactly what to bring. It’s never a bad idea to pack an extra pair of tights, shoes, hair bands or bobby pins. And yes, neatness matters!

Be early. Arrive at the audition with plenty of time to spare so your child can warm up their body in advance and get familiar with the environment.

Think positively. The audition panel wants your child to do well, so urge them to think happy thoughts and remain calm. When anxiety hits, suggest they channel that nervous energy into enthusiasm for the choreography. If they miss a step, it’s not a big deal unless they make it a big deal. A little laugh or smile about a mistake shows they’re lighthearted and will be fun to work with.

Be gracious. From the moment your child steps into the dance studio to the end, it’s essential to treat fellow dancers and the audition panel with respect. Remind them to courteously ask questions and take corrections from the choreographer. Even if it isn’t the outcome they had hoped, being gracious is always good.

Be you. Remind your child there’s no need to compare themselves to others – just be you! Advise them to take all the hard work they’ve put into class and bring that passion to the audition. It’s important they perform the choreography with energy, enthusiasm and expression that shows the judges who they really are, not who they think they should be.

Remember, auditioning is a skill that requires practice and will improve over time. In order to grow as a performer and dancer, your child needs to learn what they can from good and bad audition experiences. Encourage your child to focus on the present instead of what the outcome will be. That way, they can relax, enjoy the audition and even have fun in the process!

Impact’s 2019-20 Company and Show Star dance team auditions are just around the corner. If you’re interested in having your child try out, look for dates and times soon on our website. Once posted, you can register online.


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