How Dance Helps Beat the Winter Blues


Since we live in in the northern hemisphere, managing the winter doldrums can prove to be a challenge. There’s a crack of sunshine and just like that, it’s back to cloudy, cold and dreary weather. The extreme cold temps and gray skies make the days seem endlessly long, which can really get our feet dragging. So how do we fight off this Eeyore-like mentality – jump around like Tigger and dance? As a matter of fact, yes!

Study after study shows that movement, whether it’s working out at the gym, walking outdoors or dancing to music, actually helps release hormones that relieve stress and anxiety. Anyone who has felt a euphoric “runner’s high” that happens after a great workout can attest to a connection between physical activity and mental health. That’s because endorphins, those opiate-like chemicals that flood the brain after an intense workout or sustained exercise, act to block out depressive thoughts and feelings. Besides raising your levels of dopamine and endorphins, exercise such as dance:

  • Offers cognitive benefits – Focusing on different movements to music is a positive distraction from painful thoughts. Dancers get a sense of achievement after memorizing and performing complicated choreography.
  • Provides mood-boosting music – Your favorite jam mixed with fun moves is sometimes all it takes to elevate your mood and help you tune out the frigid temps.
  • Promotes social interaction – Winter weather makes you feel isolated, which is why dancing regularly to socialize and have an emotional connection becomes a welcome reprieve.
  • Makes you happy – According to research, dancing is better at lifting your spirits than any other exercise. As someone once said, “Why be moody when you can shake your booty?”

If your kids are in a winter funk, the remedy for them to get rid of feeling tired, sluggish and moody is dance! With spring just around the corner, your little chicks won’t have to feel cooped up any longer. That’s because March 25-29, Impact is offering half or full-day Spring Break camps at our Countryside location. Register online 24/7 at


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