How do I get the most out of my dance class?


Whether you are new to dance or a veteran, every class is an opportunity to learn and grow. Before you walk into that studio, you need to leave your problems at the door. All you need is your passion, an open mind, and your body. Dance class is the chance to learn and express yourself, and focus is essential for that. Our teachers at Impact are here to help you. They want to see you exceed just as much as you want to. With that being said, stay positive! When the teacher corrects you, take that as a compliment that they care about you and want you to improve. When they correct another dancer, listen. It may apply to you, as well. Be observant of the other dancers. If you see something you like about their dancing, try to do it yourself. If you see a dancer with floppy arms, fix your arms. Also remember, we don’t all learn at the same rate or have the same natural ability to do turns for days. Focus on improving you, by coming to class ready to learn. With passion, every dancer can be amazing!

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