Have a birthday coming up? Party at Impact!


Do you want to give your child an unforgettable birthday party, but don’t want all the time and stress that goes into planning a party? Then we have the perfect solution for you! Have your party here at Impact Dance Studio. We will take care of the planning, setting up, hosting, and even cleaning up. All you have to do is come and have fun! Our parties are an hour and half long of nonstop entertainment. The children will play dance games, learn a cool dance, have a mini performance, and of course eat! Our professional dance instructors will keep the children laughing and dancing, providing a one of a kind birthday party. We even have themes to our parties of your choice. Some include a princess, pop diva, disco, pajama-jam party, or you can create your own If your child does not currently dance at impact, don’t worry. Everybody is invited to have their birthday party here. Book your party at Impact, and then sit back and let us take care of the rest. We promise you, the party will be a total blast!



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